
Police Officers Deserve Above-Inflation Pay Rise

Police officers deserve an above-inflation pay rise this year, Hampshire Police Federation has said, as the new Chancellor praises public-sector workers and hints at a pay rise. In her first interview from 11 Downing Street, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves hinted that public sector workers could get above-inflation pay rises this summer. It has […]

PFEW Starts Negotiations With New Labour Government

It is a positive step that the PFEW is starting negotiations with the new Government and calling for a fair and transparent pay mechanism, Hampshire Police Federation has said. It follows a poll of more than 50,000 officers, run by the Police Federation of England and Wales, asking them whether they should pursue negotiation with […]

Hampshire Officers Win South East Region Bravery Award

A group of courageous Hampshire police officers have won the South East Region award at The Police Bravery Awards 2024. Back in August 2023, PC Emma Davies, PC Tim Clarkson, Sgt David Gibbs, PC Nathan Fulton and PC Scott Thomson risked their lives to detain a man carrying an explosive device. On 11 July 2024, […]

Police Cuts Are Still Having Consequences

The consequences of the cuts to the police service in the early 2010s are still being felt, Hampshire Police Federation has said, after a former Conservative minister admitted things could have been “done differently”. In the wake of the Leeds riots, Sir Robert Buckland was asked on GB News whether the previous Home Secretary Theresa […]

Number Of Armed Officers Decreases For Fifth Year

Officers need to be financially rewarded and properly supported by their force when they take on firearms responsibilities, Hampshire Police Federation has said, as it emerged that the number of armed officers in England and Wales has decreased for the fifth year. A new Government report found that there were a total of 6,473 armed […]

Officers Struggle With High Workloads

Low numbers of officers and inexperienced line managers are making workload issues worse, the Chair of Hampshire Police Federation has said, as the latest State of Policing Report is published by the HMICFRS. In his annual assessment of policing in England and Wales, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary Andy Cooke said that many officers […]

Line Managers Need Suicide Prevention Training

There needs to be more suicide prevention training for line managers, Hampshire Police Federation has said, as Oscar Kilo launches a national suicide action plan. The plan from Oscar Kilo, the National Police Wellbeing Service, aims to educate and support the police workforce, reduce stress, and improve data recording. It has also announced a 24/7 […]

Police Uniform ‘Should Be A National Standard’

There should be a national standard for police uniform, Hampshire Police Federation has said, as the first-ever national police uniform and equipment survey takes place. Researchers at Lancaster University, in partnership with PFEW and the NPCC, are asking 200,000 police officers and staff across England and Wales about their experiences of wearing their standard issue […]

Hampshire Officers Cycle In 12th UK Police Unity Tour

Officers from Hampshire Constabulary have cycled in the 12th UK Police Unity Tour to the COPS Service of Remembrance, to honour fallen officers from around the UK. Hampshire Police Federation Chair Zoë Wakefield said: “This is such a vital event in the policing calendar, where we remember all our fallen officers – it’s really important […]

Forces Must Support Vulnerable Officers With Mental Health

Police officers need to feel supported by their forces so they can talk about their mental health, Hampshire Police Federation has said, as the Home Affairs Select Committee discussed suicide prevention in the police. In one of its last sittings before Parliament was dissolved, Andy Rhodes from Oscar Kilo told the Select Committee that it […]

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