A National Policing Body Could Be More Efficient For Policing
Hampshire Police Federation has offered initial support to the idea of creating a national policing body that could save money among forces.
Outgoing Federation Chair Zoe Wakefield said having one authority looking at national threats rather than 43 forces could be more efficient for policing.
Furthermore, she suggested having a national police uniform rather than differing ones would help to cut costs and make money available for pay and recruitment.
It came as Chief Officers and the NPCC revealed their own hopes for a national policing body with legal status to lead on major issues and address inefficiencies.
However, Zoe said officers would need to be reassured that senior leaders in charge of any unit had a strong understanding of each force’s needs and capabilities.
Zoe said: “There’s a lot of stuff within policing that could be done on a national level that would save a lot of time, money and effort across the country.
“Every police force is going round the country trying to get help from other forces.
“You’d get more expertise as well, if you’ve got one body looking at these national threats rather than 43 forces all looking at it differently for their force.”