Federation Open Meeting On 15 May

This month’s Hampshire Police Federation Open Meeting is a great opportunity to ask questions directly to the Chief Constable.

The meeting takes place at 6pm on 15 May, at The Solent Hotel in Whiteley. Hampshire Chief Constable Scott Chilton will be attending, as well as other senior officers including the three Area Commanders and, it is hoped, the new Police and Crime Commissioner.

Hampshire Police Federation Chair Zoë Wakefield said: “Colleagues should attend so they can ask questions directly to the Chief Constable, or to me, or if they just want to listen to what the Chief Constable has got to say.

“The topics I expect to be brought up are workloads, the lack of ability to take leave, pensions and pay. I also think some student officers who are still on the degree entry might have some issues.”

Zoë added that she would be asking the Chief Constable about whether misconduct hearings are now going too far and whether officers were being treated fairly. She would also be asking the Chief Constable about issues that came out of the Pay and Morale Survey.

She continued: “Anyone can come along and ask any question you like. We’ve got Slido running so if people don’t feel confident about asking the question in person, they can put it on Slido.

“It’s a really good opportunity to ask questions of the Chief Constable this year, because last year he was only 11 weeks in force, so he was still settling in. He’s now been in the post for 15 months so he will have more answers for us.

“The Chief Constable has also said he wants to hear people’s ideas on how things could be done differently or better.”

To register for your ticket, click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hampshire-police-federation-open-meeting-2024-tickets-863893327197

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