Questions For National Federation

Hampshire Police Federation has demanded answers from the national Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) about the appointment of a non-elected, civilian CEO without consultation.

Last July, Mukund Krishna was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PFEW, which it said was “part of the change to bring professional and independent support to the senior decision making within the Police Federation of England and Wales”.

Before joining PFEW, Krishna worked as a global management consultant and also led the delivery of Artificial Intelligence programmes within UK Policing.

But branch Federations have asked why they weren’t consulted on this appointment, and have questioned the lack of transparency over Krishna’s pay and remuneration package. On 23 April 2024, North Wales Police Federation voted in favour of a Vote of No Confidence in the leadership of PFEW.

In response, the Branch Board of Hampshire Police Federation sent an open letter to the Chair and Secretary of the Police Federation of England and Wales, stating their support of North Wales Police Federation and asking PFEW for a full response.

The letter stated: “As police officers and Federation representatives, we work to the Code of Ethics and our Federation work requires and expects us to speak out and challenge appropriately.”

The letter added that Hampshire branch board had also arranged a meeting to discuss a vote of no confidence in PFEW.

Hampshire Police Federation Chair Zoë Wakefield said: “As Hampshire Fed Reps, we are concerned that the national Federation is not providing the leadership that we need right now.”

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