Support For Fed Reps’ Wellbeing

HAMPSHIRE Police Federation reps are being encouraged to look after their own mental health, just like any other officers.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has launched a number of wellbeing professional development days for Fed reps across the country, saying it “recognises the pressure faced by its representatives and the vicarious trauma they experience”.

The PFEW wellbeing days are not yet coming to Hampshire Police Federation, which has its own well-developed mental health support, its Chair Zoë Wakefield said. But she encouraged Hampshire Federation reps to seek help if they needed it.

Zoë said: “This is so important, because we’re losing too many officers through ill-health retirement. Most of them are for PTSD, which is all work-related. Not only are they losing their jobs, but their quality of life is really poor. There’s a huge amount that needs to be done to help people before they get to that point, so that they don’t necessarily lose their jobs, so that their quality of life is better.

“I think we are seen as one of the better forces in terms of wellbeing and everything that we do. But we still need to do more. If any officer is struggling, please contact the Federation or get your line manager to refer you to occupational health. Don’t struggle in silence; there is support out there.”

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